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I serve God. Live life happiness with him=] I write poems.
He Wouldn't Leave You …

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Having the thought of life, I ask what have I done? Asking my self why did I ever did that? Why did my instinct came in without me thinking of the consequences. I hate my self for doing  those stuff I never wanted to do. I'm so sorry..I'm so sorry for everything.
Losing  friends,Losing loves one. Those perfect times I had. All gone, I just wish that there would be a time machine just so that I could turn back time yo the past. To tell my self from the past NOT to do all those things. I just wish that I could STOP my self from doing those mistakes that i had done before. i should had just listen to the voice in me. Listening to the Spirit in me. I was dumb for ignoring Him. Y can't I just listen to my Spirit? Every second, every minute, every hour, every day and year. The past haunt me. I couldn't sleep. Sometimes I would lock my self in the dark and cry endlessly for the the things I've done that I still couldn't get over since. I would blame my mortal self for causing all those things. All this that cause me to regret in life now.

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