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He Wouldn't Leave You …

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Healthy food and Unhealthy food

Mention food and people immediately start thinking of their favorite food. That would be fried chicken, chicken nuggets, fast food and etc. Most people would just satisfy their craving for unhealthy food, but not healthy food.
Equally both types of food helps to fill us up and keep us full to live. Firstly both are food that provide us with energy. Also, the calories may be the same as the nutrients are purely different againts one another.
Despite this dissimilarities people who eat unhealthy food usually gain weight more often than those who eat healthy. Why is that so? it is because unhealthy food is so delicious that it make us crave for more. While healthy food keeps us full longer and does not promote hunger craving. This would make us consume more calories than needed for our body.

Sample of unhealthy food:

effects of eating unhealthily

Sample of healthy food:

eating healthy

Look like Jeff Cavaliere from ATHLEAN-X

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