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I serve God. Live life happiness with him=] I write poems.
He Wouldn't Leave You …

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The wait.....

As days pass
spirits goes,

As days pass
personalities goes,

As days pass
feelings goes,

As days pass
trust goes and fade.

Day by day,
I wait...wait and wait,
Wait and wait for reasons,
Wait for eternity,
I wait till it dawn.

Weeks has gone
Silents is hear,

Ice cold chill
NOT a sound,

Vibration dies,
Life flies,
Time sway till there no more.

Hair cut short,
Hair grow
like batty snail,
I'm getting blue,
SO chinless
that I barely bother.

I Forgive and Forget,
Father has forgive me,
Therefore your forgiven,
No matter what.

Staying for you, Waiting for you till it ends down we goes.....

Love......I will wait...

Peace to you and to all....

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